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Thursday, 25 February 2021

"Lord above! Hank, have you seen the news? " I looked up and saw Darleen's matronly face all bristling with outrage. Seeing as how her order pad was firmly lost into her apron and the pencil with it, I took the liberty to offer her a chair and she squeezed in opposite me. "I must say, Darleen, that I haven't. I mostly get these things for the crossword, if I'm being truthful, " I said. "This ain't the day for that, " she said, "turn to page 3. You'll wanna see this. " I did as I was told, and there it was. Whatever it was. I stared at it best I could. The tangled mess of gears and wires and complex valves chaotic in the grainy photograph. Heads nor tails, couldn't make sense of it. Gave my head a tilt, squinted a bit, and all a sudden it just clicked. "Say, " I said, "is that supposed to be a heart? " The fire of gossip in her eyes and, no doubt, mischief in her heart, Darleen flicked the page, unchecked glee in her delighted tone. "Be careful. It ain't pretty, " she said. Somewhat deliberately late.

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More quotes: "There is talk of productions commandeering entire hotels to create safe zones where those working on a movie or TV production can stay and congregate. " And: "The priority will always be to keep the stars of TV shows and movies from getting sick. " And: "... studio executives and creators are wondering whether it would it be jarring to depict characters having a family dinner, for example... or go to a crowded restaurant. " This from a TV producer: "I believe this will be something we'll be doing for at least a year, maybe two. " And producer Lynette Howell Taylor: "I immediately went into 'OK, what can we do with five people and a camera? '" From a feature producer: "There are so many movies on the docket, but you might see one of the smaller ones get a real good shot, " the executive says. "Who wouldn't like a nice four-character horror-genre movie right now? " What's my point? Unknown actors are fucked. And I mean even more so than normal. I'm an LA-based actor at the guest star level and I do ok.

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Long post alert. I had to write this out and didn't have anywhere else to put it, so here goes. If you haven't already, look through these articles/interviews on the future of Hollywood production: Deadline's reporting is often sketchy but I find the quotes from production executives very telling. Here are some, all emphasis mine: Tyler Perry: "We would be looking at about 200 people in quarantine — that's cast and crew, we would have to cut crew way back. " And another one from him: " I have not written any big scenes with many extras. If it would be 10, that would be the most. " () Showrunner Kurt Sutter (The Shield, Sons of Anarchy): "And I do think that there might have to be some conversations in terms of how much personnel is actually needed to get the job done. " And another: "Everyone is going to have to go in and say, I can't have the same expectations I had a year and a half ago. " Michael Mann says: "I think any new production that's about to begin, the production's going to be faced with the business affairs side of the studio saying, insurance companies aren't going to insure us against claims because of COVID-19. "

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I've also had my share of wins so I am not complaining. This business has never been fair, and I knew that going in. But through everything, I did it because I believed there was potential in it. That if I played well with others, did the job well, and stuck with it, eventually there was a fair chance I'd rise through the ranks to play with the big kids. Now, that potential is gone. It does not exist. Not for me, not for you, not for hopefuls who are thinking about moving here. It only exists for the name actors. They're the ones who will come out when this is over and say, "See, we were all in this together and we made it to the other side! " to their 36 million Instagram followers. Why do I say this? Read the articles above and understand what's being said by Hollywood's decision makers: Covid is expensive and we need to offset the increased cost of production. We sure as hell aren't going to pay for it so we need smaller crews, fewer locations, shorter shoots, smaller casts. SMALLER CASTS.

The haves will take everything from the have-nots if they can. Features have been casting names soley on their social capital forever. There are shitty actors who continually work because they have a brand, not because they're good actors. Studios want to make their money back and they think getting name actors is the way to do it. That mostly doesn't work () but whatever. TV has been the place for us nobodys to cut our teeth. Now that's going to be celeb-only too, because networks and streamers are panicking, and when you panic you don't take chances with unknowns. You go with what you know. This situation has screwed everyone in entertainment, but especially me and you. Are you an unknown actor? Thinking of moving to LA? Don't. There won't be opportunities for you for a while. Stay home and save money because you need to make at least six figures to have a decent standard of living in this town. You here already, but barely scraping by? Stop dreaming for one hot minute and understand that things will not get better for you.

Forget all the supporting roles, they won't be there. That's no problem for the big shot actors, but for everyone else, there will be no work. At all. Smaller roles are how actors come up in the business. They're the stepping stones needed to earn credibility with those who write the checks. The only people who rise to a high level without going through these roles are the kids of insiders: Zoe Kravitz (daughter of Lenny), Daniel Radcliffe (son of an agent father and CD mother), Billie Lourd (daughter of Carrie Fisher), etc. If you're already a series regular or a star, you will be production's top priority. You'll be protected and coddled even more than usual since you're one of a handful of people whose absence could really impact the show. Everyone else is expendable except you. Everyone else can fuck off if they get sick, someone else will do the job. But no one can replace the names. "But this won't last long, " you say. "They can't do this forever! " you say. It's long been shown that once Hollywood finds something that works, they stick with it.